We Give Back

Making Clean Energy Accessible
In partnership with GivePower, we are providing solar-based solutions that power life’s basic needs. For each solar panel that is sold, we donate a portion of our profits to GivePower. When you partner with us, you’re helping our mission to bring clean energy solutions to those that need it most.
Solar Water Farm
In November, 2022 Aptos Solar Technology and Greentech Renewables volunteers traveled to Nepal to benefit a local community with our partners at Givepower. A portion of the profit from every panel we sell goes towards opportunities like helping this village.
Aptos Gives Back – Philippines Trek 2023
In November, 2023 Aptos Solar Technology and Greentech Renewables volunteers traveled to Philippines to benefit a local community with our partners at Givepower. Through our collaboration with GivePower, we are delivering solar-powered solutions to fulfill essential life requirements. With every solar panel purchase, a share of our earnings is contributed to GivePower. When you join forces with us, you are supporting our mission to extend clean energy solutions to the most underserved communities.
Global Impact
2,650 Schools
17 Countries
400,000 People